Category Archives: Indoor Air Quality

Looking for ways to reduce allergens in your home? 看看电子游戏娱乐网页制热和制冷公司的这些暖通电子游戏娱乐网站技巧,让你的室内空气质量保持清洁和健康.

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, you know how important it is to keep your indoor air quality clean and healthy. While there are many ways to reduce allergens in your home, your heating and cooling system is one of the most effective tools at your disposal. Here are some HVAC tips to help you reduce allergens in your home:

Change Your Air Filters Regularly

One of the easiest ways to keep your indoor air quality clean is to change your air filters regularly. A dirty air filter can’t trap allergens effectively, which means they circulate throughout your home. Be sure to check your air filters at least once a month and change them as needed.

Clean Your Air Ducts

Your air ducts are a prime location for allergens to accumulate. Over time, dust, pollen, and other particles can build up inside your ducts, reducing your indoor air quality. 考虑让专业的暖通电子游戏娱乐网站技术人员清洁你的空气管道,去除过敏原,改善你的空气质量.

Regular Cleaning

Another way to reduce allergens in your home is to stay on top of your cleaning. Vacuum and dust regularly, and consider using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner, which can trap even the smallest allergen particles. Wash bedding, curtains, and other fabrics frequently, and use a dehumidifier if needed to keep your indoor humidity accurate. 如果你有宠物,你可以在我们的博客文章中查看这些减少过敏原和保养的额外步骤。”HVAC Maintenance Tips For Pet Owners”. 

Install a Whole-Home Air Purifier

A whole-home air purifier can remove allergens and other particles from your indoor air, improving your indoor air quality. These devices are installed in your HVAC system and can capture even the smallest allergen particles. Talk to your HVAC technician about installing a whole-home air purifier to keep your indoor air clean. Check out the EPA’s “Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home” to learn more! 

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance can help keep your system running smoothly, which can reduce the amount of allergens in your home. A professional HVAC technician can inspect your system, clean it, and make any necessary repairs to ensure that it’s working as efficiently as possible. At Lancaster Brothers we offer maintenance plans to keep your home’s HVAC running smoothly, without the hassles.  Call today to get started on one of our money-saving maintenance plans today!

Improving your indoor air quality can have a significant impact on your health and well-being, especially if you suffer from allergies. By following these HVAC tips, you can reduce the amount of allergens in your home and breathe cleaner, healthier air. 

Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling has been serving the Kansas City metro area for over 20 years. We offer the area’s best service and HVAC products at affordable prices. If you need help with your home’s HVAC maintenance or installation of air purifiers, we would love to help. Call us at (913) 851-3399 or visit our website today for our top expertise and quality service for any of your heating and cooling needs. 

June 5th, 2023

Posted In: Indoor Air Quality

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In the winter, your home’s furnace often depletes the moisture out of the air during the heating process. This can cause the air inside your house to feel dry. Humidifiers can remedy this dry air issue by pumping moisture back into the air. Whole home humidifiers are a great solution for homeowners looking to create comfortable air indoors. Surprisingly, they’re not just for people with breathing issues, or even those who suffer from dry skin or respiratory problems like asthma, allergies and the flu. In fact, 在暖通电子游戏娱乐网站系统中安装加湿器会带来意想不到的好处,影响你生活的各个方面——你的舒适度, your air quality and even your energy bill. 如果你想改善家里的空气质量,但不确定是否要买一个家用加湿器, check out these five benefits to help you decide whether it’s right for you.

Feel Warmer

Have you ever noticed that when it’s summertime and the temperature is hot, how much more uncomfortable you feel when it’s also humid? Moisture in the hot air just feels hotter. This same feeling applies to the air in your home when you have a humidifier.  One reason for this is that the moisture in the air causes our sweat to evaporate more slowly, which makes you feel warmer. Additionally, many people discover that with a whole home humidifier installed, they tend to keep their thermostats a few degrees lower than they did before, which can result in lower heating costs over time. 

Health Benefits

Studies have shown that humidifiers can have significant health benefits, not only for people who suffer from allergies. Some health areas that humidifiers can have a positive impact on include the following:

Sleep – Humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air, which helps to reduce irritation in your throat and nose. This can lead to improved air quality, more comfortable breathing, and a decrease in snoring, all of which can help you get a good night’s sleep. Additionally, a humidifier helps to regulate the temperature of your bedroom, which can lead to greater relaxation. Discomfort caused by temperature swings during the night can contribute to restlessness and lack of sleep.

Respiratory Health – Humidifiers can also help with breathing. 空气中额外的水分有助于减少炎症,有助于减轻过敏和哮喘的症状. Additionally, it can help to clear out any dust, pollen, and other allergens that may be lingering in your home. This can be especially helpful for those who suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma. By adding moisture to the air, you can improve your breathing and reduce your risk of respiratory illnesses.

Skin and Hair – Have you ever noticed that your skin tends to be more dry and itchy in the cold weather months? Do you find yourself slathering on more lotion in winter compared to the warmer months? This is by the decreased moisture in the air. Dry air can cause your skin to become dehydrated, leading to itchiness. Additionally, the dry winter air can cause your hair to become brittle. The added humidity from humidifiers can help to keep your skin and hair hydrated, making them healthier and reduce the signs of aging. 

Save On Energy Bills

When winter comes around, one significant expense for many homeowners is the cost of heating their home. As mentioned previously, installing a whole home humidifier in your house can save you money on energy bills, since you won’t have to keep your thermostat set as high as you would without the humidifier. Over time, 这可以大大节省你的能源账单,甚至可以支付自己的水电费节省.

另一种省钱的方法是提高暖通电子游戏娱乐网站系统的整体效率. 低湿度会降低你家供暖系统的效率,使它在冬天不得不更加努力地保持你的房子温暖. The harder your heater has to work, the more often it will need repairs. Furthermore, it will probably need to be replaced sooner than a unit that is running at optimal efficiency. 

Lower Static Electricity

In the winter, you often find that there is a whole lot more static electricity. This is particularly annoying when it comes to doing laundry and taming flyaway hair. A buildup of static can negatively affect sensitive electronics, as well as produce sparks that could lead to even more problems. 适当加湿的空气可以帮助减少或防止大多数这些问题的发生,并降低在家中被电击的机会. 

Protect Wood Furnishings

整个家庭加湿器有助于保护木制家具,保持相对湿度在理想的水平, which in turn helps prevent furniture, floors and other wooden items from shrinking or swelling. Wood that shrinks and swells ends up with warps and cracks. Hardwood flooring, cabinetry, doors, furniture, 如果你全年保持家里稳定的湿度,家里的其他木制物品会使用更久,看起来更好. Additionally, paper items such as books, photos, and artwork can be damaged by exposure to dry air. 让你的家在一年中保持适当的湿度,可以保护你的许多家具和珍贵的物品.

Why Choose A Whole Home Humidifier?

We have looked at the benefits of having a humidifier in your home. If you are grappling with whether you should invest in a whole home humidifier versus just purchasing a few single room units, consider the following comparisons:  

Whole Home Humidifiers

  • They get their water directly from your home’s water source and require very little maintenance. 
  • They are attached to the home’s HVAC system and are quiet and non-disruptive. 
  • 它们是节能的,用更少的能量来加湿整个房子,而不是一个房间使用一个房间.

Single Room Humidifiers 

  • They require water levels to be manually replenished daily. 
  • They are placed in one room and can be relatively loud, causing sleep disruption. 
  • Expect your energy bills to increase.To humidify one room, they use more energy than whole home humidifiers use to humidify an entire house. 

Contact Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling

与经验丰富的暖通电子游戏娱乐网站专家取得电子游戏娱乐网站,了解更多电子游戏娱乐网页在家中安装整个家庭加湿器的信息. Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling 20多年来一直服务于大堪萨斯城地区的企业和房主的暖通电子游戏娱乐网站需求. We are experts when it comes to heating and cooling repairs, installations, replacements, and more! Give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or visit our website to reach out. We would love to help you improve the air quality and comfort in your home, this winter and all year long!

December 6th, 2022

Posted In: Indoor Air Quality

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It can be easy to forget about your furnace with everything going on in your house, but it can be costly too! The furnace of your house is a central component in keeping your bills and keeping your family healthy, so it might be time to give that old furnace a thought! Here are some signs that your furnace might be on its last legs:


A big sign that your furnace is going to go out soon is a rise in your heating bill. No, it’s not the kids playing with the thermostat, as the furnace has to work harder and harder to keep up the same amount of heat, it costs you more. Getting a new furnace can slash your bill down to size. It’s not just your heating bill either, furnace repair bills start to go up as the furnace breaks down. A general rule of thumb is that if it costs over 50% of the price to repair, you might want to upgrade before it breaks for good!


Nothing good lasts forever. That applies to your furnace too! As your furnace ages it becomes harder and harder for it to do its job efficiently. This leads to all sorts of headaches, not the least of which might be a coooold winter. If the furnace in your house is nearing twenty years of age, it might be time for retirement!


Have you been getting sick more? It might not just be the season, it might be the air in your home! If your furnace is struggling, it can’t efficiently regulate air in your home, leading to all kinds of problems. Ask us how to improve the humidity and indoor air quality in your home with our Lennox Healthy Climate indoor air products.


If you can hear your furnace wheezing and banging, you don’t want to ignore it! As a furnace dies, it will start making erratic and spooky noises. No, it’s not a ghost, but you should still call the experts to come check it out!


If your furnace has been exhibiting these signs, call Lancaster Brothers today! We specialize in heating and cooling of all kinds. You’re probably lucky, we have some great deals and rebates on new furnaces from Lennox, so give us a call to make your family (and your checkbook) happier!

February 20th, 2020

Posted In: Heating, Indoor Air Quality, Maintenance, Uncategorized

Springtime can be brutal for people with allergies. If you suffer from allergies, there are a few things you can do to help yourself. Most of them are simple changes you can incorporate into your day. The team at Lancaster Brothers has put together this list to help:

Keep the Windows Closed – In the spring, the air is filled with ragweed, pollen and other allergens floating around freely. Keep them outside. Even if you’re tempted to open the windows on a nice day, don’t. You’ll pay for it for the next week.

Shower at Night – It’s a simple change that will make a big difference. Your hair picks up all kinds of allergens when you are walking around outside. When you lie down at night, you transfer these to your pillow to breathe all night long! Go to bed with clean hair so you don’t make your allergy symptoms worse.

Change Your Filter More Often – It’s easy to forget, 但每月至少更换一次电子游戏娱乐网站的过滤器,以帮助它去除家中空气中的过敏原.  

Take Your Shoes Off at Home – Just like your hair, 你的鞋子会携带各种过敏原,穿着鞋子在家里走来走去会把它们全部转移到地毯上.  Remove your shoes when you get home.

Use the Re-Circulate on Your Vehicle’s Air Conditioner – Setting your air conditioner to recirculate the air in your vehicle instead of letting new air in, will decrease the amount of allergens you are exposed to while driving in your car. Don’t roll the windows down.

Lower the Humidity in Your House – High humidity encourages mold growth. If you lower the humidity level to less than 60%, it will discourage mold growth. You can measure the humidity with a hygrometer that you can buy at a home improvement store.

Pay Attention to the Allergy Reports – If the pollen, ragweed, mold, etc. count is high, limit your outdoor activities that day if possible.

Get a Quality Home Comfort System with Lennox

Our focus on customer satisfaction is what has made us successful for the last 20 years and you can count on Lancaster Brothers 修理您的炉子和电子游戏娱乐网站,让您了解制热和制冷方面的最新进展. If you need heating and cooling repair in Kansas City, give us a call and you’ll see what we mean. And if you need a new furnace, we will be happy to give you a free estimate on replacing your system with a quality Lennox system. We proudly install Lennox equipment, and there are typically rebates and financing available. Our comfort specialists will be happy to go over all the options.

If you have allergy sufferers in your home, you may want to consider installing an air purifier. We offer the Lennox PureAir air filter that removes 99.9% of all particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander as well as vapors and chemical smells. If you’d like to learn more, give us call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

June 17th, 2019

Posted In: Indoor Air Quality

Spring Maintenance on Your ACThe heat of the summer months might seem like only a speck on the distant horizon, but before you know it, it’ll be here. Beating the heat is easy with air conditioner. However, 在第一次热浪到来之前没有检查你的电子游戏娱乐网站可能会让你得不到你想要的降温效果. Any number of issues can affect how well your AC works. That’s why spring is the perfect time to perform maintenance on your AC.  

Lower the Cost of Your Energy Bills

How well your air conditioning works directly effects your wallet. Any number of issues, such as dirty condenser coils or loose electrical connections, can cause your AC to work harder than it should. Therefore, more energy is being used. The more energy being used means the higher the electric bill will be. Even more frustrating is knowing that you’re paying for something that isn’t even helping to keep you cool.

Increase Your AC’s Energy Efficiency and Lifespan

Performing spring maintenance on your air conditioning unit is the best time to find and resolve problems. Issues with the ductwork, electrical connections, and other parts directly impact the overall function of your AC. Even dust and debris that build over time up can disrupt how efficiently it works. Making sure that parts are cleaned, securely connected, lubricated, and replaced if needed not only improves the function of your AC but the lifespan as well. Units that receive regular maintenance also run more quietly.

Better the Air Quality in Your Home

Just like the furnace, your air conditioning unit needs its filter replaced regularly. If the filter is dirty, restricted air flow can cause your AC unit to use more energy. It’s also less effective at purifying the air. As part of your regular maintenance, you should change the filter before using the AC for the first time every summer. How often it should be changed after that depends on various factors, such as whether or not you have pets or occupants with allergies.

Limping Along with an Old AC?

Lennox LogoIf you think your current air conditioner is too old and you are worried about the coming summer, we can help. We recommend a Lennox Home Comfort System for its high quality and energy efficiency. If you are considering replacing your air conditioner, check out check out these great deals from Lennox that will save you some serious money.

If you need help performing maintenance on your AC or need to replace your old AC, just reach out to the professionals at Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling. Give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

March 18th, 2018

Posted In: Cooling, Indoor Air Quality


Setting Programmable ThermostatUtility bills are the biggest expense most households incur. According to the latest statistics (Dec. 2017) from Expatistan, an international cost of living website, the average price of utilities for one month (heating, electricity, gas…) for 2 people in 900 sq. ft. home in Kansas City, Missouri is $230. Multiply that by 12 and it’s approximately $2,760 per year. The larger the home, the larger the utility bills. 减少你的水电费账单是把一大笔钱放回你口袋里的最好方法之一. The good news is, it’s easy to do with a programmable thermostat.

The team at Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling has put together this simple tutorial on how to save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply using your programmable thermostat. 美国能源部报告称,将恒温器从正常设置调回7 -10华氏度,每天8小时,可以为你节省10%的能源. If you live in a 900 sq. ft. home, this means you save about $276! Read on to learn the secrets to saving big.

How Do I Program My Thermostat to Save Money?

Since you don’t need to heat or cool your home as much while you are away at work or sleeping, those are the times to lower or raise the temperature to reduce the amount of energy you use. The good news is, you won’t even notice! Here are some simple guidelines for year-round programming:

Winter Settings – for the winter months, we suggest setting the thermostat to 72 degrees Fahrenheit while you’re awake, and set it seven to ten degrees lower while away or asleep.

Summer Settings – for the summer months, set the thermostat for 72 degrees Fahrenheit when you are at home and warmer than normal while you are away. We suggest that you set your thermostat up no more than five degrees at any point in time. With the open floor plans of modern homes today, 电子游戏娱乐网站试图调节的空间量会适得其反,因为在非常热的天气里,你的系统很难跟上.

Tips for Choosing a Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t yet own a programmable thermostat, you’ll find there are a lot of choices out there. Here are some tips for purchasing a programmable thermostat. Some of the features to consider include:

  • User-friendly digital displays so you can easily preset the temperatures for different parts of the day.
  • Wi-Fi compatibility. Homeowners are able to adjust the settings using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Alerts for changing the filter in your HVAC unit.
  • Allow manual overriding of a setting without losing preset programming.
  • Programs that differentiate between weekdays and weekends.

If you need help installing a new programmable thermostat, just give Lancaster Brothers a call.

Lennox Makes a Wide Variety of Programmable Thermostats

Lennox LogoWe are proud to install Lennox brand furnaces and air conditioners, and when you install a programmable thermostat, you are sure to gain the most efficiency you can from your new heating and cooling system. Lennox makes a wide variety of programmable thermostats. If you need help choosing one, give us a call and our comfort specialists can give you all the details.

如果你已经准备好使用可编程恒温器,并且每年多存几百美元, contact us and let our dedicated and knowledgeable technicians install one for you today! Or call us at (913) 270-0698.

December 12th, 2017

Posted In: Cooling, Geothermal, Heating, Indoor Air Quality

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Whole House HumidifierWinter is here and that means you’ll be running your furnace 24/7. 不幸的是,这也意味着所有的湿度将被吸出你的家,你将留下干燥, uncomfortable air. If you experience any of these symptoms below, your home needs more humidity:

  • Dry skin
  • Dry eyes
  • Chapped lips
  • Nose bleeds
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Static electricity
  • Chipping paint
  • Dried out wood furniture
  • Large gaps between wood floor planks

What Is the Ideal Humidity Level for Your Home?

First of all, you’re probably wondering how to measure the humidity in your home. This is relatively easy. 你需要一个湿度计(测量大气中水蒸气的湿度计),在家装店很容易找到,价格也很便宜(通常在15美元以下)。. The ideal relative humidity level for health and comfort is about 35-45%. In the winter months, it may have to be lower than 40% to keep condensation from forming on the inside of your windows.

Whole House Humidifiers Keep Your Home Comfortable Automatically

The best way to fix this problem is to add a whole-house humidifier. A whole-house humidifier is very low maintenance and once set, should need very little adjustment throughout the winter. The only maintenance they require is replacing the pad each season. We install the Lennox Healthy Climate HCWB3-17 Bypass humidifier. It’s integrated into the blower system on your furnace and draws water directly from your water supply.

How Does the Lennox Humidifier Work?

When the level of moisture in your home drops below the setpoint on the humidifier, the water solenoid valve opens, water flows into the distribution tray and slowly runs down through the evaporator pad. By-pass air flows over the evaporator pad, increasing the humidity of the air, and then back into the return air stream. When the setpoint is reached, the water solenoid valve closes.

Portable Shmortable – Get a Hassle-Free Whole House Humidifier

Lennox LogoThe Lennox Healthy Climate whole-house humidifier offers several advantages over portable units. It is practically maintenance free, runs quietly, never needs refilling and costs pennies a day to operate. A one-time setup keeps your home at a set humidity level all winter long. Plus, the initial cost is less than what most portable units cost. So if you’re sick of static shock, dry, itchy skin and chapped lips, and don’t like the idea of refilling a portable humidifier every few days, give us a call and ask about our whole-house humidifier.

We install hundreds of these Lennox whole-house humidifiers a year and they work great! Call Lancaster Brothers at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online and we’ll be happy to install one in your home.

November 27th, 2017

Posted In: Indoor Air Quality, Maintenance

Air Conditioning ZoningHouse too hot upstairs in the summer? Downstairs too cold in winter? If you struggle with making your whole house comfortable at the same time, there’s a solution and it doesn’t involve purchasing another furnace or air conditioner. It’s called zoning and the team at Lancaster Brothers is here to tell you how it works. 分区可以帮助你节省你的供暖和制冷费用,使你的家更舒适,它可以添加到你现有的供暖和制冷系统.

What Is Zoning?

Most homes rely on one unit to heat or cool the home. A zoned home breaks your home into different segments based on your heating and cooling needs. Instead of trying to control the temperature throughout the entire house, zoning allows you to control temperatures in individual areas. Zoning can be added to your existing heating and cooling equipment. A zone control panel communicates with your thermostat, dampers and your furnace and AC. The thermostats in each zone send a signal to the control panel to send air to that area. Dampers placed in your ductwork are wired to a specific zone on the control panel, which is controlled by a specific thermostat. They automatically open and close depending on what the thermostats tell them they need.

Related Reads: Is your furnace acting up? Make sure you know the signs of trouble here!

What Kind of Homes Benefit from Zoning?

If you have a home with more than two stories, a home with a finished basement, areas with large windows or high ceilings, or unused rooms that you close off in the winter or summer because they aren’t comfortable, you are an ideal candidate for zoning. Older homes 由于许多老房子无法配备传统的供暖和制冷管道系统,是否也能从分区规划中受益. Empty nesters can also benefit because empty rooms don’t need to be heated and cooled every day.

Zoning Gives You Flexibility

Air Conditioner Zoning FlexibilitySometimes examples help make the benefits of zoning more clear. Let’s look at a few. 有了分区,如果你喜欢睡觉时温度更低,你就可以把主卧室的温度设定在比儿童房更低的地方. Or let’s say you’re having a party and lots of people would be gathering in the kitchen and family room. 您将能够将额外的冷却引导到厨房/家庭活动室,以平衡来自额外身体的热量, heat from cooking, and heat from soaring outdoor temperatures. With a zoned system you can control the temperature when and where you need it.

Air Conditioner Zoning Saves You Money

Zoning saves you money on heating and cooling bills because you only heat/cool the zones you’re using, instead of the entire house. It gives you more control over which zones are heated or cooled, saving you money on the zones you don’t need to be heated or cooled all day, every day.

Related Reads: Want to save even more money on your energy bills? Try a programmable thermostat! Read more about this handy device here.

Lennox iHarmony Zoning SystemLennox iHarmony Zoning System

At Lancaster, we install quality Lennox products including the Lennox iHarmony zoning system. The iHarmony system makes heating and cooling your home simple and convenient. It allows you to control up to four zones and each zone has its own independent thermostat. Adjustments to zone temperatures can be made at each thermostat, and you have the option of adjusting every zone at your main thermostat as well.

Customize AC Zoning PlanIf you’d like to learn more, call us at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online 我们的专业技术人员可以回答您的问题,并为您的家庭量身定制分区计划.

September 5th, 2017

Posted In: Cooling, Heating, Indoor Air Quality

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how to fix leaky AC unitA very common complaint with AC units is the leaking of water. This happens because the evaporator coil in your unit cools the warm air that blows over it, and condensation occurs as a result. That moisture is supposed to drip into a drip pan or drain line and go away from your home. You know you have a problem when you see this water elsewhere.

Here are some common causes for these leaks, and ways to fix them.

Related Reads: Your Air Conditioner Would Like a Massage

1. Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter will block airflow to the evaporator coil, causing the evaporator coil to become too cold and possibly freeze over. When the ice melts, it drips. This dripping may overwhelm the drip pan, and result in leaking water.

To correct this, have your air filter checked and replaced frequently (about every 1-3 months). If it is dirty, replace immediately.

2. Low Refrigerant

If your air conditioner is not cooling well, or you hear a hissing or bubbling noise, the refrigerant is leaking. When refrigerant is low, the pressure in the AC system lowers and causes it to freeze over and melt, much like the symptoms a dirty air filter causes. Depending on the severity of the leak, the leak may either be repaired or you may have to replace the entire AC unit.

3. Damaged or Rusted Drain Pan

The drain pan catches water that drips from the unit, and can become rusted and damaged over time. After around 12-15 years, this part will need replacement.

Related Reads: Helpful Tips When Your AC Is on Life Support

4. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

When the condensate drain line is clogged with dirt, dust, sludge or mold, water backs up into your home. A professional can use a wet/dry vac to unclog the condensate line. A clogged condensate drain line is one of the most frequent causes of water leaking from an AC unit.

5. Broken Condensate Pump

For units that are located in basements, a condensate pump pumps water outside of the home. When this breaks, water cannot leave the unit and backs up. Replacing this pump will amend the problem.

LennoxIf your system’s aged and you think you need a replacement, we can help with that too. Lancaster Brothers proudly installs Lennox furnace and air conditioning systems. Check our Specials page for current rebates and special financing for qualified homeowners.

See What Our Customers Are Saying

My wife and I are very grateful for fitting our installation project as swiftly as you did. We had central air last night, and what a blessing. You men are the best.

Adam came back this morning to button a few things up… He is one terrific technician and person. You couldn’t have a better representative for your company than Adam.

– M.D.

Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling proudly serves the entire Kansas City area. 如果你注意到所列出的任何问题,或者注意到你的单位没有像以前那样高效地工作, please contact us today. Our technicians will be glad to help diagnose the problem.

July 31st, 2017

Posted In: Cooling, Indoor Air Quality

fix buzzing AC unitWhen it’s working efficiently and correctly, your air conditioner should not produce any noises louder than a low hum. If you hear a loud, distracting buzz from your AC unit, that is a sign that there is something wrong. Several issues can cause a buzzing noise from your AC unit. Some are very simple fixes, while some are very serious.

What’s the Buzz I Hear from My AC Unit?

电子游戏娱乐网页公司(Lancaster Brothers)的团队整理了以下可能导致嗡嗡声的原因,以帮助您诊断您的系统:

1. Your AC Unit is Frozen

When the air conditioner is running for long periods of time, it can freeze up, which will cause a loud buzzing sound. If this happens, turn off the unit to let it thaw. After a few hours of it being off, it should be running again without issue when you switch it back on.  Refrigerant leaks cause the unit to freeze, so if this happens frequently, or it is still buzzing after a few hours, professional assistance is needed.

2. Your AC Unit Has Loose Parts

With so many pieces moving in conjunction inside your air conditioner, parts sometimes vibrate loose. While it may seem like no big deal, 缺少或松散的部件会影响机组的效率和性能,并随着时间的推移导致更昂贵的问题.  

3. Your AC’s Condenser Fan Motor isn’t Working Properly

The condenser fan is the large fan that blows from the outside unit when your AC unit kicks on. If the inside blower is working but the fan is not turning, the fan motor will emit a loud buzz. Debris inside the unit, a failing fan, or loose parts can all be reasons for why the blades aren’t turning.

4. Your AC Has Electrical Issues

Electrical issues are also common causes to loud buzzing sounds. 最简单的电气修复方法之一是更换承包商继电器开关,这是一个由内部恒温器控制的外部单元中的低压开关. When it goes out, it will create the loud buzz. However, more serious electrical problems, such as aging or loose electrical connections can also cause the buzz from the unit. If those aren’t repaired, they can lead to more serious problems, including electrical shorts.  

Call Lancaster Brothers for Fast AC Fixes

A loud buzzing sound is a sign there is something wrong with your air conditioning unit.  If you hear this noise, turn off the unit immediately, and give us a call. Here at Lancaster Brothers, our professional and experienced technicians are available to diagnose the problem quickly and fix it fast. From routine maintenance to keep your system running in top condition to replacing your AC unit, Lancaster Brothers will get your house cool and comfortable in no time.  

We Install Quality Lennox Air Conditioners and Furnaces

LennoxIf your AC is on its last leg, give us a call. Our experts can set you up with a system that is the right size for your home and your budget. Check out the savings on Lennox systems on our Specials page.

If you need AC repairs or replacement, call the professionals at Lancaster Brothers at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online and we’ll be there to fix it fast!

July 12th, 2017

Posted In: Cooling, Indoor Air Quality

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